Also Don't Miss :
"Indianapolis Star" Raw Foods article featuring Bloomington Raw! July 23 edition
Here is the link to the article if you missed it:
Also a show on August 12 with an extended interview only available on the website:
3) Upcoming Raw Foods Demos and Seminars in Indy at Whole Foods!! see details below :-)
4)NEXT FREE!! Bloomington Raw! RAWLUCK:
SUN Aug 16 2-5ish PM @ Kathie's Again
Same Location: The Gullick residence, 505 South Meadowbrook Drive, 47401.
Meadowbrook is a few streets east of Bloomingfoods east. Look for
white house on a hill with a white picket fence, long narrow drive.
Parking: best on street, unless you don't mind getting parked in for the entire event,
probably good idea to bring chairs.
This is a ***zero trash event***, no paper plates please!!!!
New to Raw Foods? Just bring yourself or a simple bowl of fruit,
there will be plenty of food. For recipes see .
July Rawluck was a marvelous experience of harmonious celebration, music, the most AMAZING nutritious spread of food in IN if not the universe. The joy and healing contained fierce grace in action. Take a front seat to the GLOBAL CHANGE IN CONSCIOUSNESS! and treat yourself to the best Bloomington RAW! has to offer.
LOOKING FOR September Andy
AGAIN ENJOY!! Bhakti Yoga Devotional Kirtan Sound Healing Group
will again help us devote our love for the divine miracle of FOOD!
On Namo Shivaya!!
Jai Hanuman!!
There will also be a FREE DEMO by Raw Andy to learn how to make your own
Probiotic Coconut Milk Kefir!!
Thanks to the Gullicks for hosting our group last month and again this month!!
Indy Whole Foods Raw Events:
1)Raw Food Sampling
Eighty-Sixth St.: Saturday, August 8th, 12-2pm
Join Kathie Gullick, Live Food Chef, and Andy Reed, Living Foods Educator & Acupuncturist, for delicious recipes and information on living foods. Kathie and Andy together have over 50 years of experience in Living Foods and Healing with Foods. Enjoy samples of a Dark Green Smoothie (great for breakfast or a snack), a Chai Cashew NutShake and Jicama fries with Raw Ketchup. (Sampling event. No RSVP needed.)
2)Raw-some Cuisine
Carmel: Thursday, August 13th, 6-7:30pm
Join Kathie Gullick, Live Food Chef, and Andy Reed, Living Foods Educator & Acupuncturist, for delicious recipes and information on living foods. Enjoy samples of Raw Coconut Curry Salad, Raw Chocolate Cashew Mylk Shake and a Raw Peach Cobbler. Kathie and Andy together have over 50 years of experience in Living Foods and Healing with Foods. You won’t want to miss this! Please RSVP at 569.1517. Leave message for Sarah Smith.
Sprouted Quinoa Tabouleh
Sprouted Quinoa (soaked for 24 hours, rinsed once at 12 hours)
sea salt
lemon juice
chopped fresh mint
diced burdock root
diced cucumber
chopped parsley\
minced garlic
minced ginger
minced Jalapeno
Olive Oil
Sesame Milk
Blend one cup Soaked Whole Hull Black and White Sesame seeds
with 1/4 cup Coconut Oil, one Banana, and tsp dulse/kelp
Andy's Organic Peach Cobbler
7 Peaches sliced thin
3c walnuts
1c dried apricots
2 Peaches
5 Dates
Cinn nutmeg 2:1 ratio to taste
1 tsp finely grated Lemon peel
Tbsp hydrated kelp
Press crust into 1/4 inch or more layer at bottom of cake pan, lay in thinly sliced peaches, cover with sauce!
Andy's Ice cream
One Vanilla bean chopped fine
16 Medjool dates
600 ml of chilled pure water
4 cups of soaked chilled cashews
Blend the cashews with the water to create cashew milk.
Add in remaining ingredients and blend well.
Pour into an ice-cream maker and process until ready to eat OR pour into a freezable container with a lid and freeze.
clove of garlic
3 dried portobello mushroom caps broken
1 c. zuchini
Buzz well and put in a bowl.
3/4 c. almonds soaked overnight and drained, and buzzed then add:
3/4 c. sunflower seeds
1 tbl. white miso
1 tbl. tahini
Buzz really well and add to the bowl.
2 ears corn kernels
Buzz slightly and then add and buzz a little more:
1 tbl. ground flax
1/3 c. sprouted buckwheat
shake of hot paprika
a palm of dried mint
a palm of chives
2 tsp. ground cumin
Mix everything very well, and mash it down with a spatula or spoon. It sticks pretty well, especially if you let it sit for a little with a plate on top of it. Make balls, and dehydrate on aerated tray. 3 hours later, Turn balls on the slatted tray to dehydrate as much as desired. Voila!
Watermelon Soup
Blend watermelon, cilantro, pineapple, mint, and a tiny bit of agave nectar or raw honey.You can even use the scooped out watermelon for a serving bowl.
Bloomington Raw! Raw and Living Foods Group Mission:
Bloomington Raw! is a FREE local eco-nutrition group that meets to have raw
potlucks (rawlucks) at least once a month. Bloomington Raw! mission is
to promote consciousness, compassion, and respect for humanity and the
Earth. We promote the connection between diet and personal
consciousness, including environmental impacts of dietary choices. We
promote the health benefits of simple vegan raw and living foods,
inspiration for healthy dietary transition, and respect diversity of
all personal dietary choices and paths. Bloomington Raw! is open to all
who are curious about or enthusiasts of living foods and the raw vegan
lifestyle, promoting inclusion of local, organic, and wild foods
whenever possible.
BloomingtonRaw is sponsored by Center for Sustainable Living,
Om Namah Shivaya
Contact Andy Reed, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac. NCCAOM
Living Foods and Ancient Folk Healing
Wind-River Acupuncture