Sunday, February 10, 2019

Indiana Bee School XVII is Almost Here!

Indiana Bee School XVII

Oh Boy, it's Bee School time!!  What a super school we have planned this year.  With two outstanding speakers, you can expect the school to fill up early.  Each year we max out and disappoint those that call after the cutout.  Don’t be disappointed, register early. Cost is $35 for members and $45 for non-members. 

The Bee School will be held on February 23, 2019, at Decatur Central High School, 5251 Kentucky Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46221.

Here are the directions to the school and hotels.  Folder pickup starts at 7:00 a.m. (EST), with the program starting promptly at 8:30 a.m. and concluding around 5:00 p.m.  

With wonderful local and national speakers, super topics, great lunch and hundreds of beekeepers that we haven’t seen since the previous year, we seem to get bigger and better and this year will be no exception.

Click here for the current agenda.

For the first time ever, we have two first time guest speakers for the Indiana Bee School.  Dr. Tom Seeley is from Cornell University, and Jeff Pettis is a Research Scientist with Pettis and Associates.  See "Our Guest Speaker" on the right for more information.

To download the paper form and mail it in, click here.

To register online, click here.

The Beekeepers of Indiana