Monday, April 17, 2017

Local Food News Update

 Image from Wikicommons

Hello and thank you for coming to this page.  I hope that you will visit Local Food and read some of the news.  We've titled this year as the year of Food Heritage - Opportunities and Choices.  Because you are paying attention, you are aware of the importance of seeds, bees, water and other factors that directly impact the quality of our health and the environment.  Yes, there is something every one can do to say YES to what remains of of our local, national and global food resources.  We have the opportunity to support, develop and enrich regenerative and sustainable food systems.  As eaters, it is our job to expect the healthiest food for everyone, because to be a great community or nation recquires healthy minds and bodies at every stage of life.  Healthy food, air, soil  and water systems are necessary because what is in the water, air and soil is in every bite we consume.

Since 2001 LOCAL FOOD BLOOMINGTON has been offering information 
on where we eat; community resources, regenerative gardening and food news
  that directly applies to the how, and the why of what we have available on our
tables and how it connects each of us to our national and global food systems.
 Baking, Coffee Shops, Breweries, Wineries, Restaurants, Food News, Blog,    
 Community Food Resources for those in need, Food Education, Food Words,
 Food Books, Recipes, Farmers Markets, Gardening Resources, Wildcrafting  

 You will find articles or connections to these topics and more!

~The Difference Between Open Pollinated Seeds, Hybrids and GMO's
~What is a Seed Bank?
~Community Seed Libraries
~States and Counties Can Ban GMO Crops Despite Federal Laws
~Milwaukee County To Be Home To Largest Urban Organic Fruit Orchard In US
~Franklin Electric Acquires US Groundwater Distribution Companies in Indiana
~Chef Interview with Chris Swartzenruber Upland’s Executive Chef
~Swanton Strawberry Farm
~Cuba's Organic Honey Exports Create Buzzas Bees Die off Elsewhere
~Indian Traders Boycott Coca-Cola for
Straining Water Resources'
~Free Food Education

Read the updated Food News at
Visit the updated Local Food site at

Thank you,

“The nation’s fiscal health is dependent upon the health of the next generation. When we consider the cost of inaction in a matter of national security, lives are at stake.” Debra Eschmeyer, Co-Founder of Food Corps

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Spring Update for Local Food

 Spring Salad of Dandelion, Kale, Cleavers and Redbud Blossoms

I am finally be getting the Local Food Bloomington website updated! It seems that there are more things to juggle or as I age, am getting a bit slower.   There is tweeking to be done as well as my completion of Food News which I hope will be published by Sunday.  It will continue its look at seed and their importance, establishing seed banks, bees; our connections through the Indiana Holistic Health on open-polinated seed and heirloom plant resources -  Edible Education, Science and Cooking, and more.

Abundance of Local Food to you!
Local Food Fairy Patricia