Showing posts with label food facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food facts. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2010



I hope you are embracing the beauty of this season and the increased opportunities to go-local! Take a walk through the Farmers Market, and not only will you be subjected to a visual feast, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy seeing so many people enjoying one another, as much as they are enjoying the produce surrounding them.

At the Great Unleashing back in April, interest groups were formed by people interested in pursuing the transition of our local food system. Click here for connections to Transition Bloomington and other Community Building resources

Local Food News, (#3 in a recent Google Search) of Local Food Bloomington (#1 search for a few years) has recently been updated on the web. Local Food Fairy looks forward to your comments, and appreciates your tax deductible donations in support of the oldest local food resource in Bloomington, Indiana.

In the current update, you will find something about Farmers and their fight against Monsanto, Dairy Labels, the Food Supply Chain, water, organic wines and much more.

As always, there is a lot happening in the area of local food. The Bloomington, Indiana Farmers markets are bustling with diverse beauty and delectable abundance.

For information about
Bloomington, IN Farmers Markets, CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture
Indiana Farmers Markets
Gardening Resources
Community Food Resources

Are you a market gardener, local food shopper, observer of local foods growth in the area? We want to hear from you. Send us pictures, reviews, stories, and other information about going local with food and all things connected to share.

Also, our sister, Indiana Holistic Health Network -, recently published a new Healing CRANE Newsletter which you may find of interest.

Bloomington, Indiana is a city going-local in many areas! Let us know what you are interested in and share what you know because it may be an inspiration to others.