Showing posts with label green issues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green issues. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Green Drinks Bloomington

Every fourth Wednesday is Green Drinks in Bloomington, IN. I have attended many of these informative network meetings. Each has been different and filled with some really interesting people. There is also an opportunity to make an amazingly brief announcement about "green" related activities and events. I have made a few. Hope to see you there some month.

State Representative Matt Pierce will give a legislative preview of issues expected to be before the legislature that impact renewable energy in Indiana and update constituents on other state and federal initiatives that relate to energy efficiency and renewables.

Green Drinks Bloomington is a lively, informal social networking event for people from all walks of life who are interested in making a greener world. Folks gather every month to share libations and ideas, discuss, debate, explore and make new friends and business connections.

There's a $5 suggested donation, some food will be provided.

Bring a friend along!
Upland Brewery Banquet Facility
350 West 11th St.
Bloomington, IN 47404 US

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Green Drinks and Simpy Healthy Update

Much of today has been spent doing work for the Indiana Holistic Health Network CRANE Newsletter, the IHHN Calendar and Green Dove work. I am excited about all people and work being done in Bloomington to assist our city toward a greater sustainability. At the top of my list is the November 12-14th, 2009 - 4th Annual "Simply Healthy: Creating Sustainable Communities" Simply Living Fair and Wellness Expo! At present, Diana Leafe Christin is a keynote presenter! She is Editor of Communities magazine and will be speaking on Ecovillages through a visual presentation! Check the website, and if you are interested, we welcome sponsors, vendors, workshop presenters,volunteers, etc.

Another interesting Green Drinks will take place on June 24th, 2009, presented by Green Drinks Bloomington - 5:30 - Upland Banquet Center, Dan Killion, owner of Sherlock Homes Home Inspection Service, V.P. of Monroe County Building Association & a member of Bloomington Environmental Commission. He will talk about making existing homes more energy efficient. Teachers from Gary, Indiana will also be showcasing their photography of Griffy Lake taken as part of a program to create community-based environmental units of their own.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Green Drinks Bloomington

Green Drinks Bloomington premiered the fourth Wednesday in March so I made the mistake of thinking it was a Green Drink event with lots of green drinks, and I was not interested. Then a friend called inviting me to hear someone speak about solar panels in Bloomington - at something called Green Drinks. So I went, saw quite a few familiar faces and learned more about who was doing what with local solar development. After the brief presentation, the mic is open for others to announce something about themselves and their green work.

The second time I went, the program featured Scott Russell Sanders speaking about some key themes in his latest book, A Conservationist Manifesto. I got us the nerve to go up and make an introduction. It was a brief one as I was quite shaken. But, I will return, and it will be easier next time, as I will plan ahead and write may announcement.

This month Green Drinks Bloomington gathering is May 27th with Maggie Sullivan speaking about "the Local Growers Guild", 5:30 - 8:00pm at Banquet facility of Upland Brewing Company, 11th Street (off College St.)

This event is open to anyone who is interested in green issues and each is encouraged to bring a friend.

Cost: There's a requested donation of $5. Some finger food will be provided.

Green Drinks Bloomington will be on the fourth Wednesday of every month at locations to be announced.

Contact: To be added to the monthly evite or if you're interested in presenting:

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Smaller Food

May this note find you well fed. Just a quick one to mention Smaller Food Indiana, a ning (social network). A virtual (sometimes actual) group for discussing local food sources and restaurants and the impact both economically and environmentally of sourcing local and organic food sources. It has a variety of voices from different parts of Indiana. Most of it stems from Indianapolis. Worth connecting with to expand and strengthen our state - local foods communities.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Green Drinks Bloomington - Mann Plumbing will discuss solar thermal and photovoltaic energy production

Green Drinks Bloomington
Date: Wednesday, March 25

Time: 5:30-8 pm (doors open at 5:30 pm, 6 - 6:30 pm program and short announcements; eating, drinking and socializing until 8 pm)
Location: Nick's English Hut in the Hoosier Room
Program: Mann Plumbing will discuss solar thermal and photovoltaic energy production.
Who: Anyone who is interested in green issues is welcome and encouraged to bring a friend. Since it's at Nick's, you need to be 21 to participate.
Cost: There's a requested donation of $5. Some finger food will be provided. Nick's will sell beverages and food off the menu.
Green Drinks Bloomington will be on the fourth Wednesday of every month at locations to be announced.
Contact, to be added to the monthly evite or if you're interested in presenting: