Much of today has been spent doing work for the Indiana Holistic Health Network CRANE Newsletter, the IHHN Calendar and Green Dove work. I am excited about all people and work being done in Bloomington to assist our city toward a greater sustainability. At the top of my list is the November 12-14th, 2009 - 4th Annual "Simply Healthy: Creating Sustainable Communities" Simply Living Fair and Wellness Expo! At present, Diana Leafe Christin is a keynote presenter! She is Editor of Communities magazine and will be speaking on Ecovillages through a visual presentation! Check the website, and if you are interested, we welcome sponsors, vendors, workshop presenters,volunteers, etc.
Another interesting Green Drinks will take place on June 24th, 2009, presented by Green Drinks Bloomington - 5:30 - Upland Banquet Center, Dan Killion, owner of Sherlock Homes Home Inspection Service, V.P. of Monroe County Building Association & a member of Bloomington Environmental Commission. He will talk about making existing homes more energy efficient. Teachers from Gary, Indiana will also be showcasing their photography of Griffy Lake taken as part of a program to create community-based environmental units of their own.