Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Officials Dedicate Middle Way House and Food Works Business

-This is a great boon to the citizens of Monroe County! I wasn't able to be there in body, but was present in spirit! I am looking forward to seeing how things settle down and what businesses come through the Incubator Kitchen (see previous note about Incubator Projects). I also send a congratulations to everyone who worked on this project, and a special thanks to Donna Storm for the amazing balancing act she has been performing for years to facilitate the workings of Food Works and this move to the Coke Building!

Officials Dedicate Middle Way House and Food Works Business

By Thomas Conti
Published: Jun 24, 2010

Early Wednesday night, the old Coca-Cola building in downtown Bloomington officially opened its doors for the dedication of the new Middle Way House and Food Works business.

For five years, the New Wings Community Partnership collected over 6 million dollars – 3 million from private donors alone – to complete the project. In 2005, the Middle Way House purchased the old Coca-Cola building with the hopes of increasing accessibility as well as expanding the opportunities for the women of Middle Way.

In response to holding the dedication of the New Wings Project, Chair of the New Wings Community Partnership Laurie McRobbie said, “It means we did it. I mean we found the support in a lot of different ways. Like every non-profit we look for sources of support everywhere we can find them.”

Donations from local government, businesses, organizations, and community members made it possible for the new Middle Way House to be finished.

“I think the power of the vision for this building, the power of what Middle Way is and what it can continue to be and become really drew supporters to this so it means of all that. It means we’re doing something important for the women who get the services from Middle Way, it also means we’re doing something important for Bloomington,” said McRobbie.

The new Middle Way House also means a new location for Food Works, a full service catering business owned and operated by Middle Way. Donna Storm is the Business and Operations Manager for Food Works for Middle Way House.

“We’re getting together with a lot of people in the community that have a lot of the same interests and we have a lot of the same goals and at the same time we can provide additional jobs to women to help them transition away from situations that have been hurtful to them in the past,” Storm said.

Food Works has benefited from the donations and volunteers in the community as it is a branch of the Middle Way House.

“It’s been pretty exciting, meeting all the people in the community that have a real interest in local food, local businesses, helping the Middle Way House.”

Over the next few weeks Food Works, the New Wings Community Partnership, and the Middle Way House will work together to move slowly into the new building.

Monday, June 28, 2010



I hope you are embracing the beauty of this season and the increased opportunities to go-local! Take a walk through the Farmers Market, and not only will you be subjected to a visual feast, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy seeing so many people enjoying one another, as much as they are enjoying the produce surrounding them.

At the Great Unleashing back in April, interest groups were formed by people interested in pursuing the transition of our local food system. Click here for connections to Transition Bloomington and other Community Building resources

Local Food News, (#3 in a recent Google Search) of Local Food Bloomington (#1 search for a few years) has recently been updated on the web. Local Food Fairy looks forward to your comments, and appreciates your tax deductible donations in support of the oldest local food resource in Bloomington, Indiana.

In the current update, you will find something about Farmers and their fight against Monsanto, Dairy Labels, the Food Supply Chain, water, organic wines and much more.

As always, there is a lot happening in the area of local food. The Bloomington, Indiana Farmers markets are bustling with diverse beauty and delectable abundance.

For information about
Bloomington, IN Farmers Markets, CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture
Indiana Farmers Markets
Gardening Resources
Community Food Resources

Are you a market gardener, local food shopper, observer of local foods growth in the area? We want to hear from you. Send us pictures, reviews, stories, and other information about going local with food and all things connected to share.

Also, our sister, Indiana Holistic Health Network - http://www.indianaholistichealth.net, recently published a new Healing CRANE Newsletter which you may find of interest. http://www.indianaholistichealth.net/newsletter3-3.htm.

Bloomington, Indiana is a city going-local in many areas! Let us know what you are interested in and share what you know because it may be an inspiration to others.