Friday, July 30, 2010

Violet Wine Fermentation Picture

I finally went through some of my images and found the picture I took of the beginning stages of fermentation for the Violet Wine I made this spring! I love the colors and all of the bubbles!

It took me so long to get the image here, the fermentation process has stopped and the wine is now waiting to be bottled!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

NAP Credits Now Available!

NAP Credits Now Available!

Mother Hubbard's Cupboard (Bloomington, Indiana) is pleased to announce that we have been awarded $9,765 in Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) tax credits from the State of Indiana to give away to donors like you. This means that MHC has the opportunity to solicit $19,530 in contributions to support our food assistance program. Last year we sold out of NAP Tax Credits very early and we anticipate the same this year. Act now to take advantage of this great opportunity, and choose what your tax dollars support.

When you donate to MHC under the NAP Program, you can receive a credit against your state tax liability equal to 50% of your gift. This means that if you donate $1,000 you can take a $500 credit on your 2010 Indiana State Tax form.

Eligible donations must be $100 or more and dated July 1, 2010 or later. Forms are available on our website

Take advantage of the NAP Credit program and make a generous donation to help MHC provide 1,877 healthy bags of groceries to individuals in need every week. We thank you in advance for your commitment to help relieve hunger and improve nutrition for all people in our community.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4H Small Animal Auction

It may be hot, but the Fair Goes On! If you are seeking small animals, visit with the 4H Youth!

4H Small Animal Auction
Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Rabbits
July, 31 2010 10AM to 1 PM
Monroe County Fair Grounds Poultry Barn
All birds come from NPIP tested flocks

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Local Food News Updated!


May this find you well and may all of us who have enough to eat and drink, be thankful!

Last week Local Food News - was updated. Idon't know why there are gaps, but you may find somethings of interest there.

As always, please send us your local stories (going local to us extends to all of Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, as well as topics that are of concern to all of us.

Also, our sister, Indiana Holistic Health Network recently published a new Healing CRANE Newsletter at

A new recipe has also been added, Stovetop Quiche and will be posted here later. I will also be adding a picture to the Violet Wine article.

Thanks for your time.

Good Food and Good Water

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Officials Dedicate Middle Way House and Food Works Business

-This is a great boon to the citizens of Monroe County! I wasn't able to be there in body, but was present in spirit! I am looking forward to seeing how things settle down and what businesses come through the Incubator Kitchen (see previous note about Incubator Projects). I also send a congratulations to everyone who worked on this project, and a special thanks to Donna Storm for the amazing balancing act she has been performing for years to facilitate the workings of Food Works and this move to the Coke Building!

Officials Dedicate Middle Way House and Food Works Business

By Thomas Conti
Published: Jun 24, 2010

Early Wednesday night, the old Coca-Cola building in downtown Bloomington officially opened its doors for the dedication of the new Middle Way House and Food Works business.

For five years, the New Wings Community Partnership collected over 6 million dollars – 3 million from private donors alone – to complete the project. In 2005, the Middle Way House purchased the old Coca-Cola building with the hopes of increasing accessibility as well as expanding the opportunities for the women of Middle Way.

In response to holding the dedication of the New Wings Project, Chair of the New Wings Community Partnership Laurie McRobbie said, “It means we did it. I mean we found the support in a lot of different ways. Like every non-profit we look for sources of support everywhere we can find them.”

Donations from local government, businesses, organizations, and community members made it possible for the new Middle Way House to be finished.

“I think the power of the vision for this building, the power of what Middle Way is and what it can continue to be and become really drew supporters to this so it means of all that. It means we’re doing something important for the women who get the services from Middle Way, it also means we’re doing something important for Bloomington,” said McRobbie.

The new Middle Way House also means a new location for Food Works, a full service catering business owned and operated by Middle Way. Donna Storm is the Business and Operations Manager for Food Works for Middle Way House.

“We’re getting together with a lot of people in the community that have a lot of the same interests and we have a lot of the same goals and at the same time we can provide additional jobs to women to help them transition away from situations that have been hurtful to them in the past,” Storm said.

Food Works has benefited from the donations and volunteers in the community as it is a branch of the Middle Way House.

“It’s been pretty exciting, meeting all the people in the community that have a real interest in local food, local businesses, helping the Middle Way House.”

Over the next few weeks Food Works, the New Wings Community Partnership, and the Middle Way House will work together to move slowly into the new building.

Monday, June 28, 2010



I hope you are embracing the beauty of this season and the increased opportunities to go-local! Take a walk through the Farmers Market, and not only will you be subjected to a visual feast, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy seeing so many people enjoying one another, as much as they are enjoying the produce surrounding them.

At the Great Unleashing back in April, interest groups were formed by people interested in pursuing the transition of our local food system. Click here for connections to Transition Bloomington and other Community Building resources

Local Food News, (#3 in a recent Google Search) of Local Food Bloomington (#1 search for a few years) has recently been updated on the web. Local Food Fairy looks forward to your comments, and appreciates your tax deductible donations in support of the oldest local food resource in Bloomington, Indiana.

In the current update, you will find something about Farmers and their fight against Monsanto, Dairy Labels, the Food Supply Chain, water, organic wines and much more.

As always, there is a lot happening in the area of local food. The Bloomington, Indiana Farmers markets are bustling with diverse beauty and delectable abundance.

For information about
Bloomington, IN Farmers Markets, CSA's (Community Supported Agriculture
Indiana Farmers Markets
Gardening Resources
Community Food Resources

Are you a market gardener, local food shopper, observer of local foods growth in the area? We want to hear from you. Send us pictures, reviews, stories, and other information about going local with food and all things connected to share.

Also, our sister, Indiana Holistic Health Network -, recently published a new Healing CRANE Newsletter which you may find of interest.

Bloomington, Indiana is a city going-local in many areas! Let us know what you are interested in and share what you know because it may be an inspiration to others.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Save Bradford Woods for MCCSC - Food for the Children

(I think of this place as food to nuture awareness of being and place.

Save Bradford Woods for MCCSC

For more than fifty years, Monroe County fifth graders have been spending time in the woods, enjoying nature and learning about ecosystems and the need to conserve resources. This year, the school corporation has eliminated all funding for future trips to Bradford Woods. A grassroots action organization,"Save Bradford Woods for MCCSC," has formed to raise funds to reinstate Bradford Woods outdoor education program in the Monroe County schools budget for the coming year. The need is urgent and immediate: $40,000 must be raised by May 15th to enable Monroe County fifth-graders to attend Bradford Woods in 2010--2011.

Concerned citizens can donate online directly to the MCCS Foundation via their website ( To ensure that online donations are targeted to support the Bradford Woods campaign, donors must a) select "Designated Gift" in the "Purpose of Gift" pull down menu, AND b) type "Bradford Woods" in the "Related Gift Information" field.

Additionally, starting Monday, April 19, all Bloomingfoods cash registers will be equipped with the means to enable customers to donate funds to the MCCSC Foundation earmarked specifically for Bradford Woods.

“Save Bradford Woods for MCCSC” encourages all concerned citizens to join this effort to ensure that local schoolchildren continue to benefit from the experience of outdoor education. In this time of crises in the environment and in children’s health, outdoor education has never been more important. The time to act is now! Join with us to save Bradford Woods for MCCSC!

For more information or to get involved check us out on Facebook (Save Bradford Woods for MCCSC) or visit the Support Public Education in Monroe County booth at the Farmer’s Market.

Bedford Farmer's Market Vendor Sign-up Open House

On April 20, 2010 - Bedford Farmers' Market Vendor Sign-up Open House - The Bedford Farmers’ Market will be holding a vendor open house at the Purdue Extension office, 924 16th Street, Bedford on Tuesday, April 20th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to register new and returning vendors for the 2010 market season. Vendor contracts will be distributed, a brief orientation will be conducted, WIC sign-up information will be available, and market representatives will be on-hand to answer questions. For more information, contact Jack Clark at (812)834-5345. Presenter: Farmers' Market Board. Contact: Jack Clark-(812)834-5345. Age Range: All Ages. Tuesday, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Purdue Extension office, 924 16th Street, Bedford.

victory Gardens: Our once and Future Food Security - Talk

Victory Gardens: Our once and Future Food Security - April 21st This talk will give a brief overview of the history of victory gardens and their contribution to American food security, followed by a proposal to reintroduce them to enhance contemporary food security. Resources for successful victory gardening will be provided. Part of a week long series of events for Earth Day sponsored by the City Commissions on Sustainability, Historic Preservation and the Environment. Presenter: Dr. Michael SImmons, Bloomington Parks and Recreation. Contact: Age Range: Adults. Wednesday, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM. McCloskey Room City Hall 401 N. Morton Bloomington.

The Art of CHOCOLATE, Signature Truffles at The Venue

The Art of Chocolate, Signature Truffles at the Venue On Tuesday, April 20th, beginning at 6:00pm. The Venue Fine Art & Gifts will host a demonstration of the creation of one’s own Signature Chocolate Truffle. You will be instructed in how to take a fine quality Chocolate Truffle, coat it with tastes and spices of your own choosing, to create a wonderful chocolate taste that is uniquely your own. Your Signature Truffle. All you have to do is show up. Everything else, including chocolate, spices, tastes, gloves and wine, will be provided. The only limit is your imagination. This demonstration is presented by The Venue and students from the Human Computer Interaction Division, Department of Informatics, Indiana University. Presenter: The Venue, Fine Art & Gifts. Contact: David or Gabriel Colman. Cost: Free. Ticket Phone: 812-339-4200. Tuesday, , 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. The Venue, Fine Art & Gifts 114 S. Grant St Bloomington IN 47408.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring and Lovely Violets!

A few days ago, while in conversation with a friend over the telephone, I looked out at a yard literally covered with violets. In that moment, I decided to once again make a batch of violet wine. Looking toward the sky, I knew that I must pick my blossoms before leaving the house that next day. After gathering my herbal notebook to review my previous violet wine making notes, I saw that it had been eleven years since the last batch was made. The next day after morning coffee and chores, I went out to the least walked areas and began picking violets. I picked the violet blossoms into a glass measuring cup. Gathering it full one after another glass measuring cup full, until I six cups of slightly pressed down flowers (more like seven cups or so)had been gathered; enough to make three gallons of wine, now into its third day of covered fermentation.

I love the citrus yeasty smell and the sound of the bubbling, popping sound of yeast feeding. I am reacquainting myself with the fact of violet flowers and leaves as a really great source of Vitamin C, and easily make a nice addition to salads or steamed vegies, or soup dishes.

I'll gather a few cups of violet flowers and leaves for drying, for use in soups and seasoning this winter.

Saturday, April 03, 2010


Edy's Ice Cream is giving away a free orchard, and in Bloomington the
necessary space has already been donated, and the fresh fruit from the orchard
would go to a local food bank!

You can help make this happen.

All you need to do is vote electronically: Go to Edy's website at - click 'list by state',
find Indiana in the list, click on Bloomington, enter your name and
email address and click on "Plant my Vote".

The city that gets the most votes, gets the orchard. Btown is in a
neck-and-neck race with one other place! Please vote for Bloomington
today and every day through the end of August, using the e-mail addresses in your household.

Thanks! and Pass it on...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Animal Welfare Approved

Received their publication this week. May this be of use to many! Please share! Animal Welfare Approved –
This organization offers Good Husbandry Grants. It is the only free and independent certification that means healthy, safe, environmentally responsible and humanely raised outdoors on a family farm. AWA provides a practical certification that has real value for speciality marketing. To apply visit their website or call 202-546-6292

The Great Unleashing - Bloomington Workshop

The Great Unleashing - Transition Town Bloomington, Indiana -Workshop, April 24th -- 9:30am to 5:30pm Saturday - Building Community Resilience and Self-Reliance for Transition at Bloomington City Hall - Showers Building, a day of celebration, education, and action. This day will be followed by working groups addressing the details of our future. Transition Bloomington is working to unite the people of Bloomington to create a more resilient community, able to deal with the challenges of peak oil, climate change, and economic collapse. We expect that this process will also create a more connected and joyful community.

Grants for Indiana Organic Farms - April 1 due date!

Feds offer Indiana $767K for state's organic farms - Indianapolis, IN - The Natural Resources Conservation Service will accept applications from organic producers or producers in transition to organic farming until April 1. The Associated Press - Email
Indiana's organic farmers can compete for nearly $767,000 in federal funds under a new push to encourage conservation on the state's organic farms.
The funding announced Monday is part of the USDA's Environmental
Quality Incentives Program. State Conservationist Jane Hardisty says helping the nation's organic farmers is one of the priorities of the 2008 Farm Bill.
Eligible organic producers can compete for the funding, which can go toward conservation crop rotation, planting filter strips along waterways to filter out sediments and other uses.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service will accept applications from organic producers or producers in transition to organic farming until April 1, 2010.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Local Food Dinner - Simply Healthy Fair/Expo Update!

Our second annual Local Food Dinner is another delicious affair. Those who have enjoyed food prepared by Food Works, know what I mean. I am looking forward to this dinner and the presentations!

LOCAL FOOD DINNER fundraiser co-sponsored by Food Works for Middle Way House. Enjoy a four course dinner, dessert and beverages and hear local practitioner Kellie Osmon speaking on Healing Properties of Foods, and others on their produce and products.

Unitarian Universalist Church, 2120 N. Fee Lane, Reservations,
$35 - Friday, November 13th, 2009 at 6:00pm.

Tickets available for purchase at Wandering Turtle Art Gallery, Bloomingfoods stores, Simply Healthy: Creating Sustainable Communities website at and Food Works for Middle Way House -

Sunday, October 18, 2009

2nd Annual Local Food Dinner Update!

Greetings All,

In just a few short weeks we will enjoy the 2nd annual Local Food Dinner co-sponsored by Food Works for Middle Way House!

On Friday, November 13th, at 6:00pm, "Simply Healthy: Creating Sustainable Communities" Simply Living Fair and Wellness Expo presents the LOCAL FOOD DINNER co-sponsored by Food Works for Middle Way House. The dinner will again take place in the Unitarian Universalist Church, 2120 N. Fee Lane. This year Dr. Kellie Osmon, a Bloomington Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Chinese Medicine Doctor will be speaking on the "Healing Properties of Foods". Her talk will address foods role in health and specifically some of the healing attributes of the foods prepared for this feast! Again, some local growers and producers will be on hand to speak about their products. This event is a fundraiser.

The cost of the dinner is the same as last year, only $35. We hope that keeping the fee low will make it easier for a wider spectrum of our community to join us. Tickets are now on sale and available at Wandering Turtle Art Gallery and Bloomingfoods Grocery Stores; and through the Simply Healthy website at

We hope you will join us!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Green Drinks Bloomington

Every fourth Wednesday is Green Drinks in Bloomington, IN. I have attended many of these informative network meetings. Each has been different and filled with some really interesting people. There is also an opportunity to make an amazingly brief announcement about "green" related activities and events. I have made a few. Hope to see you there some month.

State Representative Matt Pierce will give a legislative preview of issues expected to be before the legislature that impact renewable energy in Indiana and update constituents on other state and federal initiatives that relate to energy efficiency and renewables.

Green Drinks Bloomington is a lively, informal social networking event for people from all walks of life who are interested in making a greener world. Folks gather every month to share libations and ideas, discuss, debate, explore and make new friends and business connections.

There's a $5 suggested donation, some food will be provided.

Bring a friend along!
Upland Brewery Banquet Facility
350 West 11th St.
Bloomington, IN 47404 US

2nd Annual Local Growers Guild Harvest Dinner

An elegant five-course meal featuring locally-grown food by talented chefs.

WHAT: Five local chefs are paired with farmers to present this one-of-a-kind event, celebrating the abundance of Indiana’s fresh, in-season foods. Diners will enjoy a delicious five-course meal while listening to participating growers and chefs share their thoughts on the ingredients and preparation of each course.

Participating farms include: Harvest Moon Flower Farm, Fiedler Family Farms, Grass Harvest, Homestead Growers, The Chile Woman, Meadowlark Organic Farm, Stranger's Hill Organics, and Capriole.

Featured chefs will be Corbin Morwick, One World Enterprises, Bob Adkins, FARMbloomington, Neil Riley & Chris Blinde, Upland Brewery, Greg "Rags" Raggo, Nick's English Hut. Wine & beer will be generously donated by Upland Brewery & Oliver Winery.

WHERE: Upland Brewery Banquet Facility, 350 W. 11th St.

WHEN: Thursday, October 29. Doors open at 5:30 pm and dinner will begin promptly at 6 pm.

HOW MUCH: Tickets for LGG members are $68; $75 for non-members. Or, purchase a table for 10 for a 10% discount off the $75 price. Tickets go on sale October 1 at all Bloomingfoods locations, Upland Brewery, and Wandering Turtle Art Gallery and Gifts. 100% of the proceeds benefit the Local Growers Guild.

WHY: Savor fresh, in-season foods prepared and grown by Southern Indiana's finest chefs & farmers. Help the Local Growers Guild grow and sustain a strong and vibrant local foods economy. This event will culminate our fall membership drive. For more information about joining the Local Growers Guild, go to

EVENT BROUGHT TO YOU BY: The Local Growers Guild. In addition, this event is made possible through the support of our featured chefs & farmers, Cartridge World, Indiana Memorial Union, Bloomingfoods Market & Deli, Harmony School and Wandering Turtle Art Gallery & Gifts.

ABOUT THE LOCAL GROWERS GUILD: The Local Growers Guild is a cooperative of farmers, community members and retailers dedicated to strengthening the local food economy in southern Indiana through education, direct support and market connections.

For more information about the Local Growers Guild, visit

Katie Zukof, Assistant Director

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vegan RAWLUCK - Free August 16th


Also Don't Miss :
"Indianapolis Star" Raw Foods article featuring Bloomington Raw! July 23 edition
Here is the link to the article if you missed it:

Also a show on August 12 with an extended interview only available on the website:

3) Upcoming Raw Foods Demos and Seminars in Indy at Whole Foods!! see details below :-)

4)NEXT FREE!! Bloomington Raw! RAWLUCK:
SUN Aug 16 2-5ish PM @ Kathie's Again
Same Location: The Gullick residence, 505 South Meadowbrook Drive, 47401.
Meadowbrook is a few streets east of Bloomingfoods east. Look for
white house on a hill with a white picket fence, long narrow drive.

Parking: best on street, unless you don't mind getting parked in for the entire event,
probably good idea to bring chairs.
This is a ***zero trash event***, no paper plates please!!!!

New to Raw Foods? Just bring yourself or a simple bowl of fruit,
there will be plenty of food. For recipes see .

July Rawluck was a marvelous experience of harmonious celebration, music, the most AMAZING nutritious spread of food in IN if not the universe. The joy and healing contained fierce grace in action. Take a front seat to the GLOBAL CHANGE IN CONSCIOUSNESS! and treat yourself to the best Bloomington RAW! has to offer.
LOOKING FOR September Andy

AGAIN ENJOY!! Bhakti Yoga Devotional Kirtan Sound Healing Group
will again help us devote our love for the divine miracle of FOOD!
On Namo Shivaya!!
Jai Hanuman!!

There will also be a FREE DEMO by Raw Andy to learn how to make your own
Probiotic Coconut Milk Kefir!!

Thanks to the Gullicks for hosting our group last month and again this month!!

Indy Whole Foods Raw Events:
1)Raw Food Sampling
Eighty-Sixth St.: Saturday, August 8th, 12-2pm
Join Kathie Gullick, Live Food Chef, and Andy Reed, Living Foods Educator & Acupuncturist, for delicious recipes and information on living foods. Kathie and Andy together have over 50 years of experience in Living Foods and Healing with Foods. Enjoy samples of a Dark Green Smoothie (great for breakfast or a snack), a Chai Cashew NutShake and Jicama fries with Raw Ketchup. (Sampling event. No RSVP needed.)

2)Raw-some Cuisine
Carmel: Thursday, August 13th, 6-7:30pm
Join Kathie Gullick, Live Food Chef, and Andy Reed, Living Foods Educator & Acupuncturist, for delicious recipes and information on living foods. Enjoy samples of Raw Coconut Curry Salad, Raw Chocolate Cashew Mylk Shake and a Raw Peach Cobbler. Kathie and Andy together have over 50 years of experience in Living Foods and Healing with Foods. You won’t want to miss this! Please RSVP at 569.1517. Leave message for Sarah Smith.
Sprouted Quinoa Tabouleh
Sprouted Quinoa (soaked for 24 hours, rinsed once at 12 hours)
sea salt
lemon juice
chopped fresh mint
diced burdock root
diced cucumber
chopped parsley\
minced garlic
minced ginger
minced Jalapeno
Olive Oil
Sesame Milk
Blend one cup Soaked Whole Hull Black and White Sesame seeds
with 1/4 cup Coconut Oil, one Banana, and tsp dulse/kelp
Andy's Organic Peach Cobbler
7 Peaches sliced thin
3c walnuts
1c dried apricots

2 Peaches
5 Dates
Cinn nutmeg 2:1 ratio to taste
1 tsp finely grated Lemon peel
Tbsp hydrated kelp
Press crust into 1/4 inch or more layer at bottom of cake pan, lay in thinly sliced peaches, cover with sauce!
Andy's Ice cream

One Vanilla bean chopped fine
16 Medjool dates
600 ml of chilled pure water
4 cups of soaked chilled cashews
Blend the cashews with the water to create cashew milk.
Add in remaining ingredients and blend well.
Pour into an ice-cream maker and process until ready to eat OR pour into a freezable container with a lid and freeze.


clove of garlic
3 dried portobello mushroom caps broken
1 c. zuchini
Buzz well and put in a bowl.
3/4 c. almonds soaked overnight and drained, and buzzed then add:
3/4 c. sunflower seeds
1 tbl. white miso
1 tbl. tahini
Buzz really well and add to the bowl.
2 ears corn kernels
Buzz slightly and then add and buzz a little more:
1 tbl. ground flax
1/3 c. sprouted buckwheat
shake of hot paprika
a palm of dried mint
a palm of chives
2 tsp. ground cumin

Mix everything very well, and mash it down with a spatula or spoon. It sticks pretty well, especially if you let it sit for a little with a plate on top of it. Make balls, and dehydrate on aerated tray. 3 hours later, Turn balls on the slatted tray to dehydrate as much as desired. Voila!
Watermelon Soup

Blend watermelon, cilantro, pineapple, mint, and a tiny bit of agave nectar or raw honey.You can even use the scooped out watermelon for a serving bowl.

Bloomington Raw! Raw and Living Foods Group Mission:
Bloomington Raw! is a FREE local eco-nutrition group that meets to have raw
potlucks (rawlucks) at least once a month. Bloomington Raw! mission is
to promote consciousness, compassion, and respect for humanity and the
Earth. We promote the connection between diet and personal
consciousness, including environmental impacts of dietary choices. We
promote the health benefits of simple vegan raw and living foods,
inspiration for healthy dietary transition, and respect diversity of
all personal dietary choices and paths. Bloomington Raw! is open to all
who are curious about or enthusiasts of living foods and the raw vegan
lifestyle, promoting inclusion of local, organic, and wild foods
whenever possible.
BloomingtonRaw is sponsored by Center for Sustainable Living,

Om Namah Shivaya

Contact Andy Reed, L. Ac., Dipl. Ac. NCCAOM
Living Foods and Ancient Folk Healing
Wind-River Acupuncture